Coach’s Tips – Playing in the Heat!

This week has been a hot one in Houston. The introduction to the summer has hit hard, with temperatures into the 100’s! There are some key things we can do to prepare and play our best and feel better while out there on the course. There are extensive studies into the effect of dehydration in golf performance and it is very important for us to play at our best that we stay hydrated during the round.

  • Drink Water Early. Before you plan to play, make sure you are hydrated before you tee off. We want to get off to a good start on the hydration front and drinking a few coffee’s on the way to the course then straight to the tee doesn’t get you off to a great hydrated start! We should aim to have sufficient fluid intake several hours before we tee off.
  • Find Shade wherever you can! Whilst waiting to hit your tee shot, or on the fairway or by the green try and find some shade to hang out in while you wait your turn.
  • Pack Supplements. The body needs crucial electrolytes to help stay hydrated. Have some packets of, for example, Liquid IV in your bag and mix with your bottle of water. After you sweat all day you may notice your arms are a little gritty, that is the crucial salt leaving your body, you need to replace this to properly rehydrate. Your body may not have the required level of sodium to help the water you are drinking rehydrate you.
  • Pack some Fruit. Certain fruits such as watermelon, strawberries and bananas are great at supplying the body with essential nutrients to help rehydrate.
  • Careful with Sugary Sports Drinks. Many players will drink sports drinks such as gatorade to stay try and stay hydrated. Be careful as ones that contain a high amount of sugar and a little electrolytes will actually make it harder to stay hydrated. Look for low sugar options!


Stay Cool Golfers!

Jamie Fraser


Photo by Matt Aylward on Unsplash

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